planning & building
Planning & Building
Planning Department
Woodlake’s Planning Department works to ensure that Woodlake is a well-planned community. The Department is charged with carrying out both short and long-term planning programs.
Short-term planning activities include the processing of various planning permits, including Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permits, Variances, Parcel Maps, Subdivisions and Annexations. In this function, the Department administers the Woodlake Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan.
Long-term planning efforts consist of preparing and amending Woodlake’s General Plan and its associated elements including land use, circulation, housing, open space, recreation, noise and safety, among others. The Department also prepares environmental reports on projects.
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Building Division
The Building Division of the City of Woodlake is charged with providing for life safety and the safeguard of property through the enforcement of the Uniform Building Code, the National Electric Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code and the Uniform Mechanical Code.
The codes intend to express reasonable minimum standards of construction upon the building public through a program of rigorous enforcement. Before commencing construction, repair or making any major alterations, please confer with the Building Division to make certain that the project conforms to current building and zoning codes and that the proper permits are obtained.
The Building Division cannot legally design, redesign or perform structural calculations for construction projects. The services of a licensed architect, structural or civil engineer may be required for certain projects.