Housing Programs

The City of Woodlake in partnership with Self-Help Enterprises is offering home repair and renovation assistance to qualified families. These programs are designed to provide the additional financing needed to keep first mortgage payments affordable.

1. Rehabilitation Program

The City of Woodlake in partnership with Self-Help Enterprises is offering home repair and renovation assistance to qualified families. The program is designed to assist low-income homeowners who are occupying their home with repairs. Funds are loaned to the applicants by the City of Woodlake. Current guidelines allow the loan to be without monthly payments and 0% interest.

2. Homebuyer Assistance Program

The City of Woodlake in partnership with Self-Help Enterprises is offering no payment, no interest deferred second mortgage loans to qualified families. The Program is designed to provide the additional financing needed to keep first mortgage payments affordable.

3. Foreclosure Counseling Program

Self-Help Enterprises is a HUD-approved counseling agency. We know that circumstances beyond our control such as job loss, illness, or a death in the family can lead to a loss of income. This can ultimately result in the inability to make mortgage payments causing a possible foreclosure. To preserve families in the community and stabilize neighborhoods, we offer free counseling services to assist homeowners in preserving homeownership, preventing foreclosure and to help families get through the difficult transition period if keeping their home is not an option. Our Foreclosure Counselors provide homeowners with accurate information allowing them to make good choices and help themselves through their problems. Self-Help Enterprises also provides access to an attorney to discuss options related to home preservation. This consultation is free and done over the telephone. During the consultation, homeowners learn valuable information helping them make the best decision about their home and finances.

4. For additional information on all programs offered contact:

Self-Help Enterprises

P.O. Box 6520, Visalia, CA 93290

Office 559.651.1000

Toll Free 800.722.4822
