

The City Administrative Office consists of several departments. They are General Administration, City Clerk, Finance, Planning and Grant Administration.

General Administration consists of the General Management of the City and primarily consists of the general and legal services provided to the City.

The City Clerk is responsible for the records management system of the City as well as providing election services and has custody of the City Seal.

The Finance Department is responsible for all financial management services and activities provided by the City. This includes payroll, accounts payable, payroll, business license, fixed assets, and general accounting and auditing of the City. The Planning Department is responsible for processing zoning requests, conditional use permits, site plan reviews, subdivision work, tenative and final maps, annexation requests, and environmental impact reports.

Grant Administration includes the application of grants, collecting and disbursing grant funds, monitoring grants for compliance with applicable laws.

For more information on Woodlake, please call 559.564.8055 or visit Woodlake City Hall at 350 N. Valencia Blvd., Woodlake, CA 93286

Office hours: 8:00am – 4:00pm

Administrative Staff

City Administrator – Ramon Lara

City Clerk – Irene Zacarias

Chief of Police – Mike Marquez

Community Services Director – Jason Waters

Public Works Supervisor – Adrian Ornelas


Housing Programs

The City of Woodlake in partnership with Self-Help Enterprises is offering home repair and renovation assistance to qualified families. These programs are designed to provide the additional financing needed to keep first mortgage payments affordable.

1. Rehabilitation Program

The City of Woodlake in partnership with Self-Help Enterprises is offering home repair and renovation assistance to qualified families. The program is designed to assist low-income homeowners who are occupying their home with repairs. Funds are loaned to the applicants by the City of Woodlake. Current guidelines allow the loan to be without monthly payments and 0% interest.

2. Homebuyer Assistance Program

The City of Woodlake in partnership with Self-Help Enterprises is offering no payment, no interest deferred second mortgage loans to qualified families. The Program is designed to provide the additional financing needed to keep first mortgage payments affordable.

3. Foreclosure Counseling Program

Self-Help Enterprises is a HUD-approved counseling agency. We know that circumstances beyond our control such as job loss, illness, or a death in the family can lead to a loss of income. This can ultimately result in the inability to make mortgage payments causing a possible foreclosure. To preserve families in the community and stabilize neighborhoods, we offer free counseling services to assist homeowners in preserving homeownership, preventing foreclosure and to help families get through the difficult transition period if keeping their home is not an option. Our Foreclosure Counselors provide homeowners with accurate information allowing them to make good choices and help themselves through their problems. Self-Help Enterprises also provides access to an attorney to discuss options related to home preservation. This consultation is free and done over the telephone. During the consultation, homeowners learn valuable information helping them make the best decision about their home and finances.

4. For additional information on all programs offered contact:

Self-Help Enterprises

P.O. Box 6520, Visalia, CA 93290

Office 559.651.1000

Toll Free 800.722.4822

parks & recreation

Woodlake’s two tax measures, Measure R and Measure S, made it possible for the City to begin a number of new parks and recreation programs. The City offers youth soccer, baseball, softball and basketball. The City also has a number of facilities that can be rented for parties, concerts and outdoor gatherings. If you would like more information about our programs or are interested in hosting an event at the Community Center, Plaza or one of our parks, please contact the City of Woodlake at 564-8055.

Planning & Building

Planning Department

Woodlake’s Planning Department works to ensure that Woodlake is a well-planned community. The Department is charged with carrying out both short and long-term planning programs.

Short-term planning activities include the processing of various planning permits, including Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permits, Variances, Parcel Maps, Subdivisions and Annexations. In this function, the Department administers the Woodlake Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan.

Long-term planning efforts consist of preparing and amending Woodlake’s General Plan and its associated elements including land use, circulation, housing, open space, recreation, noise and safety, among others. The Department also prepares environmental reports on projects.

Building Division

The Building Division of the City of Woodlake is charged with providing for life safety and the safeguard of property through the enforcement of the Uniform Building Code, the National Electric Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code and the Uniform Mechanical Code.

The codes intend to express reasonable minimum standards of construction upon the building public through a program of rigorous enforcement.Before commencing construction, repair or making any major alterations, please confer with the Building Division to make certain that the project conforms to current building and zoning codes and that the proper permits are obtained.

The Building Division cannot legally design, redesign or perform structural calculations for construction projects. The services of a licensed architect, structural or civil engineer may be required for certain projects.

Public Works

The Woodlake Public Works Department is responsible for conducting building inspections, maintaining streets, operating the City’s water system, operating the City’s sewer system, managing the City’s recycling program, capital projects, and maintaining the City’s buildings and parks.

Building Inspections

Public Works provides inspection services for residential, commercial and industrial buildings within the Woodlake City limits.


Public Works is responsible for the maintenance and safety of city streets and rights of way.  This includes paving, signing, striping, curb, gutter, sidewalks and our capital replacement program for streets.


Public Works is responsible for the quality and quantity of water to serve our residents.  This includes all necessary and required testing as well as insuring we have adequate long term supplies for our residents.


Public Works is responsible for the Wastewater Treatment Plant and distribution system to include the safe collection and disposal of the City’s wastewater.  This includes all necessary and required sampling and testing of wastewater and to insure long term expansion capacity for treatment and disposal.


Includes recycling activities planned by the city and Mid-Valley Disposal.

Capital Projects

Includes capital projects under construction as well as future projects.

Buildings and Grounds

Public Works is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of all city owned Parks and Buildings.  This includes park reservations for both Miller Brown and Willow Ct. parks (reservations can be made at City Hall).  Please call 559.564.2317 to report any unsafe conditions or graffiti on any city buildings or park facilities.

The Public Works Department is located at 595 S. Valencia Blvd. 559-564-2317

Recycling & Waste Service


E-waste can be dropped off at the City Yard, 595 S. Valencia, between 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Monday through Friday.

Trash Pickup Holidays

Pickup will occur on the following business day on these holidays:

  • New Years
  • Memorial Day
  • 4th of July
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

Hazardous Waste Disposal

All hazardous waste (batteries, paint, pesticides, etc.) can be disposed at the Visalia Hazardous Waste Collection Facility.

Container Use Guide


Recyclables Only

  • Soda Bottles
  • Narrow Necked Plastic Containers
  • Milk Containers
  • Plastic Bags
  • Glass Bottles and Jars
  • Tin Cans
  • Aluminum Cans
  • Junk Mail
  • Paper
  • Cereal Boxes
  • Catalogs
  • Magazines
  • Telephone Books



  • Leaves
  • Grass
  • Prunings
  • Wood Christmas Trees (Cut to fit in can)


Household garbage Only

  • Garbage Food
  • Waste
  • Diapers
  • Clothing
  • Toys
  • Dirt


City Service

City Dial-A-Ride service is available to the residents of the Woodlake area. This service runs in the city limits of Woodlake and some unincorporated areas of Tulare County only. Please call one hour prior to the time you need to be picked up to schedule your ride. Riders who get dropped off late in the afternoon may not get a ride back home.

Time of operation: 

Monday – Friday – 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

(Due to scheduled riders, we can only accommodate general riders from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.)


$1.00 general public or $17.00 per bus pass of 20 rides

25 cents senior citizens or $5.00 per bus pass of 20 rides

(All fees apply for a one way ride)

Our transit bus is handicapped equipped with a wheelchair lift and can lift up to 800 lbs. Riders who prefer to bike and ride may load their bikes on the rack. They can be used on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information visit You can also call the city at 559.564.8055 or the transit at 559.280.2736

County Service

The County offers out of town bus service, with multiple locations around the City. The main stop is located at 201 E. Lakeview, Whitney Transit Center.

Time of operation: 

Monday – Saturday

Transit guides are also available at City Hall or can be accessed via the TCAT website.


$1.50 fixed route

$13.00 per punch pass of 10 rides

$45.00 per monthly pass – unlimited rides

(All fees apply for a one way ride)

All TCaT buses have wheelchair lifts. Riders who prefer to bike and ride may load bikes on racks that accommodate two bikes on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information visit You can also call 1-800-431-9711 for assistance.

Title VI

The City of Woodlake is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its transit services or programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability as afforded by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended.

No person or group of persons will be discriminated against with regard to fares, routing, scheduling, or quality of transportation service, on the basis of race, color, or national origin.  Frequency of service, age and quality of transit vehicles assigned to routes, quality of stations and location of routes will not be determined on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or disability.

The City of Woodlake, as a federal grant subrecipient, is required by the Federal Transit Administration to conform to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its amendments.  Therefore, the City of Woodlake mission includes the equal and equitable access to its programs, activities, and services.  For more information contact the city at (559) 564-8055.

How to File a Complaint

Any person who believes that he/she has been excluded from participation in, denied benefits or services of any program or activity administered by the City of Whittier or its consultants and contractors on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability may bring forth a complaint of discrimination under Title VI and related statutes. The complaint must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination of the alleged act of discrimination. Provide as much detail as possible, sign the complaint and mail it to:

Title VI Coordinator

City of Woodlake350 N. Valencia Blvd.

Woodlake, CA 93286

(562) 567-9480

In case the complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution by the City of Woodlake, the same complaint may be submitted to the FTA, U.S. DOT Secretary of Transportation or USDOJ. A complainant may also file a Title VI complaint concerning race, color, or national origin discrimination with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Office of Civil Rights, Region IX, 201 Mission Street, Suite 1650, San Francisco, CA 94105-1839, or the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20530.

Cómo Presentar una Queja

Si considera que lo han discriminado por su raza, color, país de origen, sexo, edad, discapacidad o condición socioeconómica, puede presenter una denuncia por escrito ante la

Title VI Coordinator

City of Woodlake

350 N. Valencia Blvd.

Woodlake, CA 93286

La Cuidad se da de une Investigación de Denuncias por Discriminación entre 15 días.  A lo menos la denuncia sera completara en 180 días.  Para mas informacion in Español o para más información Título VI puede hablar a (559) 564‐8055.

Cualquier persona que considere que ella o una clase específica de personas ha sufrido discriminación prohibida por el Título VI puede presentar una queja escrita en nombre propio o mediante un representante a cuidad de Woodlake o a la oficina de derechos civiles del Departamento Federal de Transporte Público (Federal Transit Administration) (FTA, por sus siglas en inglés), atención: Coordinador del Programa del Título VI, Region IX, 201 Mission Street, Suite 1650, San Francisco, CA 94105-1839, o el Departamento de Justicia, Civil Rights Division, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20530.  Se debe presentar la queja a más tardar 180 días después de la fecha de la discriminación en cuestión, a menos que el FTA extienda el plazo para presentar la queja.

Woodlake Policies for Complementary Paratransit Service

Non-Discrimination Policy

Serving the City of Woodlake

The Woodlake Police Department is a professional organization that prides itself in delivering quality service to our citizens. We are committed to promoting a safe and secure environment for our community by building lasting partnerships with the citizens for shared responsibility in identifying crime related problems and addressing them. Our officers care about the community and strive to maintain safe and secure neighborhoods while treating everyone fairly, with dignity, and respect. We believe that community involvement and community support is truly what makes the Woodlake Police Department successful. The Woodlake Police Department presently consists of a Chief, one Lieutenant, two Sergeants, five officers, and one clerical personnel.

The department is very active in the Woodlake Unified School District providing vital support and site safety for the students and staff.

The Woodlake Police Department is located at

Woodlake City Hall

350 N. Valencia Blvd.,

Woodlake, CA 93286

For calls for service dial 559.564.3325 or 911.

For business calls during normal working hours (8-5 pm M-F) call 559.564.3346;

Weekends and holidays: 559.564.3325

Office hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm