Woodlake Airport

Situated on approximately 87 acres, the Woodlake Airport provides the community with an air link to the world. The airport is located on the southern edge of Woodlake, next to the St. Johns River. Woodlake Municipal Airport is often free of the winter tule fog which plagues other Valley airports.

The airport is a general aviation facility and features one runway (Runway 7/25), 3,000 feet in length and 50 feet wide. The airport features the Runway Café, fueling facility, hangars and tie downs. The City has made a commitment to improve the facilities. Improvements will consist of removing obstructions, upgrade lighting and, as funding becomes available, new pavement.

100LL Fuel Prices

Current Price $ 6.00 gal.

For more information call 559.564.8055

Runway Café, 559.564.3986